
This week, we’re saying thank you and celebrating, Patrick, who has served as our Full-time AmeriCorps Teachers Assistant over the past year. We asked him to reflect on what the past year has meant to him and here’s what he had to say. “Working at Project Rebuild has been a wonderful experience. As my year here flew by, I have made many memories through interacting with our members and staff and participating in service projects. I have learned so much about how I can contribute to the community. One of my favorite service memories was when we went to Utah to help other Youth BuildRead More →


From our Program Manager, Crystal…Last week, I was one of two staff members who traveled to Atlanta, Georgia to attend the YouthBuild Americorps Service Symposium.  This is a great opportunity for YouthBuilds across the county to come together, connect, and learn from each other.  Americorps is such an integral piece of our program so when these opportunities arise it is important to attend and gain as much knowledge as I can.  For me, one of my key takeaways was learning best practices on trauma-informed service projects.  It made me think about what we are doing or what we could be doing for our members.  Read More →