Who is YouthBuild Greater Stark County?

Building brighter futures in Stark County for over 20 years, you may not know the name, YouthBuild Greater Stark County, but as a program operated by Project REBUILD, the mission remains the same. You can learn more about YouthBuild here

A New Way to Support 

We’re excited to share a new way to support #ProjectRebuild with Hartville Hometown Meats & Seafood Company! Shop burgers, pork, chicken, and seafood at one of the fastest-growing companies in Stark County and a part of your purchase will be donated to support our programs. We’re thrilled that they chose us as a nonprofit partner!

Project REBUILD has created an endowment fund at Stark Community Foundation to provide long-term financial support of our mission to serve young people through education, vocational and work readiness training, supportive services, and leadership development. Stark Community Foundation provides professional investment management and administration of the fund, and each year, we receive a percentage of the fund’s balance to support the charitable work of our organization. 

The fund also provides options for donors who may give directly to Project REBUILD in support of current operations, may give to the fund in support of the long-term financial health of our organization or both. The endowment fund also presents an excellent option for donors who want to make legacy gifts.

To learn more about The Project Rebuild Endowment Fund, contact our office. To support Project REBUILD, make a donation online or mail a check to Stark Community Foundation, 400 Market Ave. North, Suite 200, Canton, OH 44702. Be sure to indicate your support of The Project Rebuild Endowment Fund in the memo line.